Loan Products

This loan is disbursed to licensed small business operators and also for individual bases. The maximum loan amount is up to Birr 650,000 and clients expected to pledge collateral to access the loan. The maximum loan term is 60 months. We charge competitive interest rate and service charge.
Micro Business Loan
This loan product is designed for micro business operators and can be disbursed on group guarantee and individual bases. The maximum loan size is Birr 50,000 for groups and 70,000 for individuals. The maximum loan term is 24 months for both individuals and groups.
We charge competitive interest rate and service charge.
Agriculture Loan
Agricultural Loan product is designed to serve the farmers through branches outside Addis Ababa. The loan is disbursed on group guarantee and individual basis. The client is expected to bring collateral.
The maximum loan size disbursed is Birr 30,000 and the loan term is 12 months. We charge competitive interest rate and service charge.
Aggar is one the eligible MFIs providing women Entrepreneurship development project loans to women clients. This loan is provided to female clients and the loan size is determined based on the cash flow of the business. The maximum loan size for WEDP small is Birr 1,000,000 with a maximum loan term of 60 months and the maximum loan size for WEDP micro is 70,000 with a maximum loan term of 24 months.
We charge competitive interest rate and service charge.
General Loan
This is a loan product designed for salaried workers on group guarantee and individual bases. The loan size depends on the salary of the employees; the maximum loan size disbursed is Birr 60,000 for groups and 70,000 for individuals. The maximum loan term is 36 months.We charge competitive interest rate and service charge.